Explore Thousands of Digital Arts and Collectibles

  • Create, Buy, Sell and Earn with NFTs
  • Faster and cheaper fees under $1
  • Stake your earnings and earn more.

Nifty Row is revolutionizing the art market with the blockchain by eliminating the issues of authenticity, counterfeits, trust and provenance of art.

Create, Auction, and Exchange NFTs

Welcome to our NFT Marketplace Platform powered by Casper Blockchain!.

Set up your wallet

Install your wallet from www.casperwallet.io, connect it to Niftyrow by clicking the connect wallet button at the top.

Add your NFTs

Upload your work (image, video, audio, or 3D art), add a title, symbol, description and other neccessary details.

List them for Auction

Set up Auction Dates, starting price and let others bid on your NFts.

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